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The Hobbs - Family Session

I am so, so thankful for this sweet family! I don't think I would have survived Adam's last two years of medical school and intern year of residency without their friendship. Saying goodbye to them was, without a doubt, the hardest part about leaving Richmond. But I'm so glad we didn't have to move too far down the road and have been able to keep in touch with regular visits. I always treasure our time together, and this session was no exception. It was a gorgeous day, despite the cooler temps, and Danny was full of smiles and jokes. He immediately fell in love with my soft, fuzzy blanket and requested to be carried from spot to spot "magic carpet ride" style. Dan and Brandi were happy to oblige, which is just a perfect picture of the way their family loves each other so well, and I think that comes through in these photos.

We always do a fall session to correspond with Danny's birthday. I love seeing how this little guy changes and grows from year to year. I hope he's prepared to be posing beside a pile of leaves shaped like a 16 one day ;)

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