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Chase's Newborn Session

I had the privilege of walking through pregnancy with Chase's mama, and let me just say, not only is Larkin a wonderful wife and mother, but she deeply loves her boys. Having not had the easiest pregnancies myself, I could empathize with Larkin's weeks of agonizing waiting and each night going to bed wondering if this would be the night. And finally after weeks of steady contractions, Chase finally arrived with a healthy, smooth and quick home delivery! While I know Larkin took each day of waiting to theLord, and asked Him to help give her perspective and patients and while each mama knows her baby is coming, the thrill, peace and depth of love for the child you have waited for is unimaginable. I'm so thankful to have been able to enter this joyful time of waiting's end, and to have met perfect Chase Eden when he was only days old! Congratulations to Will, Larkin and Liam!

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